Supply Chain Metrics That Matter: The Cash-To-Cash Cycle

  RESEARCH OVERVIEW: Report Details: This report is based on analysis of financial balance sheet and income statement data for the period of 2000-2012 and interactions with clients in various industries in supply chain strategy engagements. Objective: To use financial balance sheet and income statement data coupled with recent research to better understand how different industries […]

Integrated Demand Management: When Will We Start Using Downstream Data?

RESEARCH OVERVIEW: Survey Details: The research for this report was conducted from August through October 2012. It is based on an online survey among 29 manufacturers from over 20 companies in core industries (Basic Apparel & Footwear, Consumer Packaged Goods, Food & Beverage, & Over-the-Counter Pharmaceuticals.)  They are all currently using or trying to use […]

Supply Chains To Admire 2018

Supply Chains to Admire – 2018 from Lora Cecere The Supply Chains to Admire™ analysis is an annual study of supply chain excellence. Now in its fifth year of development, the focus of this research is to better understand supply chain performance and improvement of 655 publicly held companies in 28 peer groups for the […]

How Can You Drive Opportunity If You Cannot Manage Risk?

Full Report: How Can You Drive Opportunity If You Cannot Manage Risk? from Lora Cecere Summary Charts: How Can You Drive Opportunity If You Cannot Manage Risk? from Lora Cecere Report Details: The research for this report was conducted via an online survey from March 12 – May 11, 2018. Surveys were conducted among 93 […]


Supply Chain Insights Infographic Summary 2012-2018 from Lora Cecere Infographics convey complex information in a simple format.  We see that supply chains are getting increasingly complex and want to help you understand the results of our research quickly.  We have created a series of infographics to help you better utilize the insights in our research to improve […]

Summary Charts

In some cases, a company may have a goal that is unique and there is no available answer in the market. As a result, they are looking for a research partner. We help companies answer their questions using a methodology based on consumer research principles assuring data confidentiality. In working with each client, a project […]

2018: What Will It Look Like?

I hate prediction articles. However, this morning over coffee, my fingers hunger to write this post. I am not sure why. It may be that I am growing tired of hubris and market hype. I writhe in my seat at most conferences and count the number of times the word “digital” is used in presentations. […]

Think Differently. Drive New Outcomes. Let Us Help You Build A Guiding Coalition.

Summer is ending. 2018 is right around the corner. Is it time to start to plan the new year? Forge a strategy?  Engage employees? At this time of year, we find many companies planning workshops to stimulate thinking on building a digital supply chain and igniting next-generation supply chain thinking. If this is you, we […]

Supply Chains to Admire – 2016 Results

Five months of analysis. Lots of heated debates. It is now over. This morning we announced the Supply Chains to Admire Winners and Finalists for 2016. The research starts in April and stretches over many weeks as we analyze the different elements and understand the patterns of each industry. Why do we do it? Selfishly, […]

Why Should You Help Us With Research?

Our philosophy is, “You give to us. We give to You.” This is how our research process works. It is unique. We believe in Open Content. Unlike other analyst firms, we do not believe that research should be locked behind a firewall. When you see us field a research study you will know three things: […]