Using the ongoing research, Lora Cecere is a frequent speaker for business conferences.
Some potential topics are:
Supply Chains to Admire
The list of the Supply Chains to Admire is based on four years of research on balance sheet and income metrics to determine what is possible and define which companies are driving the greatest success
Metrics that Matter
In this presentation Lora will share insights on which metrics matter and how the management of a balanced portfolio drives a higher level of market value. This presentation is ideal for a cross-functional team struggling with which metrics to choose, how to determine the targets, and with change, what rate of performance improvement is possible.
Making the Digital Pivot
Digital supply chains are outside-in, building on a confluence of technologies. While the list of new and promising technologies goes on and on, the question is how to best use them. In this presentation Lora describes how companies use these technologies to drive new levels of improvement in corporate performance.
The Race for Supply Chain 2030:
How to Build Next-Generation Supply Chain Capabilities
What does the future of supply chain management look like? How should companies prepare? Gain insights on how technologies are changing and what this means for process innovation and the design of organizational teams.

Customer Feedback
Lora is tough, smart and driven. Her background gives her instant credibility and a unique perspective in the industry bringing together best practices, leading technology and a vision of what's possible. She has an innate ability to articulate complex problems and solutions in business terms that everyone can understand. I learn something in every conversation I have with Lora.
Karin BursaChief Marketing Officer, Logility
Lora's smart, incisive and her native curiosity means she consistently evolves her thinking about how suppy chains can - and should - work. Her ability to grasp the issue, and see a resolution is uncanny. For anyone looking to turn the supply chain into a true source of advantage, there's no one smarter.
Susan BassettVice President, Corporate Ink Public Relations
Lora Cecere is the most-respected analyst covering supply chain. Respected by manufacturers and software companies alie, she is the only one with a strong enough following that she could start her own "brand". Lora is the most influential analyst covering supply chain; she launched the revolution that became customer-centric supply chain design in 2005.
Rob ByrneCEO, Terra Technology
Lora was the best speaker of the day with lots of energy, giving us a different perpsective that most companies are not in tue with. Great presenter on provocative content.
Lisa ShambroFounder, Executive Director at The Foundation for Strategic Sourcing
For a number of years now, the material produced by Lora and Supply Chain Insights has provided me with direction along our journey towards S&OP excellence. This is the work of the true strategist but more importantly an enthusiast for everything supply chain. Keep up the great work.
D. HuntDirector of Production Planning at ADHB
We have chosen to work extensively with PearlBusiness because of their quality services
Dalmar JohnsonFounder of WebFlex Inc.
'Pearl Business' does most of its new emplyee training on the job
David S. MorrisCEO at Entavo LLC
In collaboration with public partners, PearlBusiness connects local businesses and job-seeking
Victoria PorterCTO at Smarty PTY
If you are in supply chain technology and need help understanding the market and positioning your product in it, work with Lora Cecere. She has the deepest understanding of how supply chain tehcnology can transform business of any analyst I have worked with. Not just a prolific writing, she's also a compelling speaker. At one user conference, her session was voted the best of all sessions by attendees at the three day event.
Kevin PottsVice President of Marketing Rock-Tech
F4SS Conference: Feedback from the user evaluations
Best speaker of the day, lots of energy. Different perspective that most companies are not in tune with.
Great presentation and energy, new way of looking at communication and customer feedback.
Very provocative subject. Out of the box. Great presenter.
Presentation and info blew me away- excellent presentation