Disrupting in the Midst of Disruption

2016 Supply Chain Insights Global Summit

We are continuing to break the mold to help supply chain visionaries gain first-mover advantage. While other analyst firms put their research behind paywalls, we set it free. We want everyone around the globe to use our research freely and openly. Through our research panels—using LinkedIn and Twitter—we now have a database of over 6500 respondents. Our philosophy is “When companies give to us by participating in our surveys, we give to them through open, shared content.” We do this through our monthly newsletters, webinars and podcasts. It is working. Our goal is to build a guiding coalition of supply chain leaders to help supply chain teams think differently and drive new outcomes.

This week we will be hosting our fourth Supply Chain Insights Global Summit. We are excited to reconnect with 120 supply chain leaders in face-to-face conversations, but we are also looking forward to a truly global conversation with supply chain leaders around the world on topics like the autonomous supply chain, making the digital pivot, Supply Chains to Admire, and building supply chain talent. To help the supply chain leader, we set up the conference to maximize networking. We use research materials, case studies, videos, and financial analysis to stimulate new levels of thinking.

With travel restrictions and competing priorities, we know that not everyone can make the conference. Again, we are breaking the mold. This year we will live stream the event to ensure that supply chain leaders everywhere—in every part of the globe—can participate. The event can be accessed through www.supplychain2030.com and during the session, we will take questions from twitter at #imagine2030.

Helping Leaders to Imagine a Path Forwardshutterstock_317629430

Why are we doing this? Growth is slowing and costs are rising. Companies want to use new forms of analytics and drive insights; but unfortunately, budgets are tied to traditional Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Advanced Planning (APS) projects. Companies want to move forward with new forms of analytics, but they are unclear on the Return on Investment. As shown in Figure 1, the first steps will be in the investments in analytics. Followed by machine-to-machine automation through the Internet of Things and the embracing of 3D printing and robotics. On the horizon are new forms of sensing, self-driving vehicles, digital manufacturing, and bio-molecular engineering. We believe that processes shift to be outside-in, that consumer activism for social responsible supply chains increases and that leaders will redefine B2B to be a network of networks. supplychain2030

The pace of change in technologies to drive a digital advantage is staggering. It is hard to keep up. To help leaders, we invite all of the cool technologies that we see in our travels to the digital showcase at the event. We want leaders to come face-to face with emerging technologies and learn the art of the possible directly from innovators.

Through our partnership with CorpU, we have finished seven short learning sprints, termed catalysts. At the event, attendees will be able to experiment with the training and learn how it can be customized to accelerate their programs or change management initiatives. The catalysts include online benchmarking, digital case studies, ideation tournaments and social interaction. At the end of a training session, the business sponsor can assess organizational readiness to make the digital pivot by region or business and understand how their team rates against the competition.

After the conference we will share the videos, powerpoints, and research openly. We will continue the discussion on how to Imagine Supply Chain 2030 on Linkedin and in our Beet Fusion community. We will also continue to host our Network of Network facilitated sessions twice a year to stimulate new levels of thinking between business users and technologists. We are the analyst disruptor to help the supply chain leader through disruption. We look forward to hearing from you. Let us know your thoughts!

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