2016: A New Year and a New Beginning

Supply Chain Insights is now four years old. The company was created in February 2012. At our core we are actively trying to redefine the analyst model to be friendlier, more insightful, and complete for the supply chain leader. We endorse the concepts of open content, and share research as we build it through newsletters, a global community, our annual event and social media. At a principle level we believe that when people give to us that we should give to them. So as we celebrate our fourth anniversary and start our fifth year in operation, please do us a favor and share all of our content widely. Help us to make manufacturers, distributors, and retailers more effective.

Figure 1. The Focus of Supply Chain Insights

Supply Chain Insights by the Numbers - 2012 thru 2015

As we prepare for 2016 we also want to be known as the company that connects leaders to leaders for meaningful interaction. In 2016, in addition to our 2016 Global Summit, we are hosting a series of sessions to help define the “Network of Networks.” These sessions will be facilitated, small group meetings between business leaders and technologists. Our goal? We want to see if we can drive breakthrough innovation to improve network interoperability and accelerate the development of business networks.

The team also takes the need to build supply chain talent seriously. Our books and communities are targeted at global team building. At the end of 2016 we will begin to sell our commercial game, Supply Chain IMPACT! The game is targeted for use in academic and business strategy sessions to help companies better understand and define outside-in processes. This simulation game, along will the online training that we are building, are aimed to help build the next generation of supply chain leader.

Four years of leading a small company, while defining a new business model, has taken a lot of work. It has been stressful at times, but I give thanks for all of the supply chain leaders who have helped us be successful. It is my goal to use this four years as the foundation for the next five. We want to be known as the team that helped leaders transform their supply chains. Our goal is to build new insights to help you unleash new value.

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